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Adrian Zeck, Mebane Library Branch Manager Adrian Zeck, Mebane Library Branch Manager Adrian Zeck, Mebane Library Branch Manager Adrian Zeck, Mebane Library Branch Manager Adrian Zeck, Mebane Library Branch Manager Adrian Zeck, Mebane Library Branch Manager Adrian Zeck, Mebane Library Branch Manager

Meet Adrian

Meet the new Branch Manager for the Mebane Library, Adrian Zeck. We are excited to welcome Adrian to the ACPL team and excited to have him join the Mebane Library team during this time of redoing our spaces to be more welcoming and intentional towards our community’s needs.

Adrian Zeck, Mebane Library Branch Manager

How long have you worked with the County?

I’ve been working for Alamance County since February 26th, 2024. I came here from Cabarrus County Public Library where I worked for the last 8 years.

Where are you from originally?

I was born in Minnesota, and raised in Florida. I lived in Raleigh while completing my graduate degree in Parks and Rec at NC State. Then, I moved to Connecticut to work for the National Parks Service. While working in Connecticut, I met my (now) wife, who actually grew up in NC! We returned here, got married, and started our lives together in our favorite state.

What are you most passionate about?

I am very passionate about Hawaiian pizza – Pineapple belongs on pizza– that is the hill I will die on.

Do you have a hobby?

My current hobby is running. I signed up to run the Pittsburgh half marathon and have been training since November. When not running, I enjoy reading, traveling, and playing board games. I also play video games and binge-watch tv to relax!

When you were little, what was your dream job?

Lego set designer or owning a comic book store.

What was the best part of your week/weekend?

This past weekend I ran in my first formal race, the Charlotte Racefest 10k. I really enjoyed getting to run with other people for once! It was so encouraging to have some of my family there to cheer me on and I feel really proud of how well I did. The whole experience got me excited for running the Pittsburgh half marathon in May.

Are you involved in any community projects or organizations?

My wife and I are new to the area so we are still figuring out where and how to get involved. We are excited by all the greater Greensboro area has to offer!

What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?

Definitely a pig’s eyeball. I’ve also eaten rattlesnake and python.

What’s your favorite TV Show?

For rewatchability… maybe Psych? Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Parks and Rec are also both up there for me.

What is your favorite thing to spend money on?

My wife! Mostly, I’m cheap, but I do justify spending money on opportunities to travel, experience culture, and eat good food!

What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned recently?

That there is a scientific reason why people like the music they listened to in their teen years. I first heard about it on social media, but this is an article from the BBC that goes deeper into the process. They call it “the reminiscence bump.”