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Photo of young woman sitting at a desk with a window behind her. She's writing in a notebook, with a computer open in front of her.

Learning Express and PrepSTEP

Photo of young woman, sitting at a table, with a sunny window behind her. She is writing in a notebook and sitting in front of a computer.

The current NCLive offering of Learning Express Library Complete and PrepSTEP Academic covers more than just test prep resources! You’ll find information about careers, schools, computer skills, and many other subjects that students of all ages need.

To access this resource, go to our website (, and choose the Research and Learn tab on the side. Under this tab, you’ll find a link to Online Resources. You can either search for Learning Express, or click on the “L” and scroll down to find Learning Express.

The first time you log in, you’ll need to sign in/register. Registering allows you to go directly to or utilize the service through the LearningExpress Mobile App. Registering will also save your place in the eBooks, study guides, or practice tests and lets you mark relevant material to your profile.

This database is broken into ten (10) categories for the public library side (LearningExpress) and eleven (11) categories that focus on the college library (PrepSTEP). Many of these categories overlap, so you’ll notice some duplication between the two “sides.” If you do not want to sift through these categories, a search box exists to help you locate the needed resource. We are focusing on the LearningExpress side, but we recommend you also look on the PrepSTEP side if you’re planning to attend or attending college.

The categories on the public library side are Career Preparation, High School Equivalency Center, Prepare for College, Grades 4-8 Educator Resources, High School Students, College Students, Adult Core Students, Basic Computer Skills, Recursos Para Hispanohablantes, and the AWS Training Center.

Career Preparation contains a number of practice tests, eBooks, flash cards, and even general information related to beginning a career. There are eBooks related to changing careers, learning what is required for becoming a nurse, or becoming a teacher. There are also lessons to building workplace skills from etiquette to time management. The exams under the Career Preparation include licensing for electricians and plumbers, a wide variety of law enforcement exams, NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN exams for nurses, real estate exams, the PRAXIS for teachers, and more.

The High School Equivalency Center has GED test prep in English and Spanish.

The Prepare for College category includes guidance on standardized tests, like the PSAT, ACT, and SAT. This category also has guides and practice tests for those in high school AP classes. 

The Educator Resources has The Mathematics Skills Improvement and English Language Skills Improvement categories based on the Common Core State Standards from 4th grade through high school.

The High School Student categories includes skill improvement tutorials and lessons for all core high school classes, from Math to Social Studies.

The College Student category offers strategies and support for subject area skills, keyboarding, getting academic support, and more.

The Adult Core Skills offers eBooks and tutorials on everything from Public Speaking to being a better reader.

Basic Computer Skills offers interactive videos on the basics of using a computer to Microsoft Office training and it would be a great place for someone trying to boost their computer skills.

The AWS Training Center offers skill development in a wide range of current industry fields. The topics covered include AWS Cloud Essentials, Database Concepts, Artificial Intelligence Services, Game Technology and more!

Lastly LearningExpress has an entire subject field for Spanish speakers. There are resources for learning, career, and citizenship tools in Spanish.

Some of the hidden gems:

  • LearningExpress has lessons and materials to become a U.S. Citizen, including test tutorials and civics lessons.
  • Under the Prepare for College area, LearningExpress has a scholarship finder to help students find scholarships they qualify to receive.
  • There is also a database to find the ideal college by searching for criteria important to the student, narrowing results by size of school, geographic area, subject specialties and more.

LearningExpress and PrepTest offer resources for anyone looking to improve their skills or find something new to pursue.

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