Library of Things
Your library is so much more than just books! We offer so many different things to check-out! We also have engaging programs where you can learn something new or make new friends with a shared interest.
Need a bike lock while you’re at the library?
We have that, just ask at the desk!
Need a meeting space for your group?
We have that too!
Looking for a fun, new adventure?
We’ve got lots of those!
Educational Kits
Educational Resource Kits are themed boxes that make learning fun! Boxes may contain books, DVDs, activity sheets, lesson plans, toys and other props designed to engage young children and encourage them to explore new things.
One Educational Resource Kits may be checked out at a time, on an adult card for 3 weeks and renewed 2 times if not reserved by another patron. Educational kits can be found and requested here.
This project is funded by the Friends of the Alamance County Public Libraries through book donations and the bi-annual book sale.
Explore tabletop games available for checkout! Choose your battle, from simple luck to complex strategy, solo challenges to group competitions, then reserve your pickup date and enjoy your game for up to 6 weeks.
Books & Stories to Go
Also called Smart Start bags, contain 10 books on a specific topic, but count as one item to checkout. Over 100 bags available for a three week checkout with one renewal allowed. See our themes and request a bag here!
Honor Books & Puzzles
No library card needed for our honor books & puzzles. Take them out on your honor and return when you can! These are available at all branches!
Video Games
Engage in multiplayer or solo adventures, build friendships, and travel new worlds! Our diverse selection guarantees there’s something for everyone. Games are available to borrow for the Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PlayStation 5 with an adult library card. Only 1 game at a time.